
Taking a variety of different medication at specific times can be difficult to cope with for adults of all ages.

Our Care Assistants are trained to prompt, assist and administer medication which is prescribed by a GP and placed in a Nomad System. We can also provide support for applying creams but again, only if prescribed by a GP.

If required, we can collect prescriptions from the pharmacy or arrange for your medication to be delivered.

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    About Me

    Dr Sema Haghari’s previous experience in PMR helps her run the company at high standards for a better and healthier life of her clients.

    Working Hours

    Mon - Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pmSaturday: 10.00 am - 3.00 pmSunday: Closed


    Phone: +44 7508 941559382, Uxbridge Road, London W5 3LHGet Directions